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I got a new TV! Samsung LN46A550


My home theater has re-entered the modern age. The old Mitsubishi VS-4541 45" CRT RPTV died after 13 long years of service. It was a power issue as none of its three bulbs would turn on. Finding no obvious and easy (read inexpensive) fixes, it was time to send the hulking box to the recycling center and invest in a svelte flat panel.

After reading many reviews at AVS Forum, CNET, Consumer Reports and PC World, I decided on the Samsung LN46A550, a 46" 1080p LCD. Out of the box, the picture was astoundingly bright. It looked much better after the settings were adjusted based on these suggestions.

For TV viewing, I'm relying on the LN46A550's internal tuners. Standard definition analog cable is just bearable, but high def channels picked up by the set's QAM tuner look great. Sadly, I can only pick up a few HD channels this way, but I don't watch much TV on my home theater anyway so digital cable or satellite is not a priority right now. Audio is routed through the set's digital optical output to the receiver to take advantage of Dolby Pro Logic II processing.

Fast motion sports such as football look very good. The Sunday night game on NBC in HD was super sharp and detailed. The LN46A550 is 60Hz and I did notice some very slight motion blur, but it wasn't distracting. Standard def DVDs also look very good. Children of Men and Casino Royale elicited no complaints from me.

Keep in mind the other components are older with accompanying older technology and I don't have a Blu-ray player yet, but so far the Samsung LN46A550 is making a fine foundation to reinvigorate my home theater.









September 2008

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