Ride with Stoners, Prostitute.
Review: Several years ago, I came across Highway on
Cinemax. I
tuned in in the middle of the movie and watched just a few minutes
because I cannot watch only part of a movie that I've never seen
before. I watched enough to see Selma Blair was in it and I jotted
down the name planning on eventually seeing this indie flick in its
entirety. In March, I was perusing the bargain bin at Best Buy and
found the DVD for $6. Score!
Highway stars Jared Leto and Jake Gyllenhaal as best
friends living on the poor side of the tracks in Las Vegas. Leto is caught in bed with the wife of
a local crime boss and the pair go on the run from the boss's thugs.
We're taken along for the ride as they venture across the country and
meet up with quirky characters such as a
mega-stoner played by John C. McGinley, and a half
boy/half alligator sideshow freak. The boys pick up the alluring
Blair along the way and the wild duo becomes a more interesting
trio. Highway is a worthy indie take on the road trip movie.
Babe Alert: The surprise star is the boss's wife played by
Kates. She is onscreen for only a brief period at the beginning
of the movie, but clad in a yellow, skin-tight, see-thru outfit,
Jilly steals the show.
Learn more: IMDb
DVD version viewed: Highway
(Warner Home Video, UPC 794043547720)