Film Review: Immagini di un convento (1979) (AKA Images in a Convent)
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Film Review: The Missing (2003)
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Movie purchase
I'm down in Maryland visiting family and had to drop by Best Buy
to pick up the Aeon Flux box set.
Film Review: Dragonfly (2002)
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Goodbye tooth
I had my last remaining wisdom tooth removed today. After four
shots of novocaine, the doctor used a pair of pliers (or whatever
the dental equivalent is called) and pulled the tooth out in about
10 seconds. That was it. No drilling needed. There was an extra
bonus of a reduced bill from $300 to $180 since the tooth wasn't
impacted. Sweet.
Film Review: After Death (Oltre la morte) (1988)
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Film Review: White Noise (2005)
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Movie purchase
This is the biggest one-time DVD purchase I've ever made. With
the help of a 20% off coupon for Deep Discount DVD, I ended up
getting 36(!) DVDs. Most are horror films including a bunch of
zombie flicks and exploitation films.
Film Review: The Devil's
Rejects (2005)
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Movie purchase
It's a glorious day for Rob Zombie fans. Best Buy had his two horror
flicks on sale for $20 for both.
IKEA Grand Opening
The newest IKEA opened today in nearby Stoughton. I didn't get
anything figuring I could always come back at anytime, but then on
the first weekend cars were backed up onto the highway with a wait
of 2.5 hours.
Film Review: House of the Dead (2003)
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Movie purchase
Trekked down to Best
Buy picked up a couple of new releases. I can't wait to watch all the bonus material for Episode III,
easily the best of the new movies.
One of the finest comedies ever is Office Space. The
Special Edition with Flair box set contains the Special Edition DVD
along with a red stapler, coffee mug, pen, pencil, mouse pad and
magnet picture frame. Sadly, the included stapler is not the same as
Milton's famed red Swingline. But you can get your own red Swingline here.